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Cameron Denzel Walton

Rodney Keith Mikell

Crime: Obstructing Governmental Operations/Trafficking Illegal Drugs/Unlawful Poss Or Receipt Of Controlled Substances;/Unlawful Poss Or Receipt Of Controlled Substances–/Unlawful Possession Of Marijuana 1st Degree/Use Or Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia/Motion To Revoke Bond/Motion To Revoke Bond/Motion To Revoke Bond

Rodney Keith Mikell

Crime: Obstructing Governmental Operations/Trafficking Illegal Drugs/Unlawful Poss Or Receipt Of Controlled Substances;/Unlawful Poss Or Receipt Of Controlled Substances–/Unlawful Possession Of Marijuana 1st Degree/Use Or Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia/Motion To Revoke Bond/Motion To Revoke Bond/Motion To Revoke Bond

Date of Arrest: